Investor service

Topdanmark wants to inform about the Group's affairs in a transparent and comprehensive manner. Read about Topdanmark's IR policy and find answers to frequently asked questions about Topdanmark, share, management, strategy and other investor-focused questions.

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IR policy

Topdanmark wishes to openly and sufficiently inform investors, analysts and other stakeholders on the Group's matters in order to ensure that as far as possible:

  • All market participants have equal access to timely and comprehensive information on the Group’s activities to support a fair pricing of and increased liquidity in Topdanmark’s financial instruments.
  • That great knowledge and trust are gained for the Topdanmark share as well as credibility in the company’s communication through open and active dialogue with the capital markets.
  • That there is a low volatility in the Topdanmark share through a consistent and uniform information stream, which help reduce the capital costs.
  • That any question is answered provided that the answer does not require disclosure of insider information or by other means can be of harm or nuisance to the Group.

Read the IR Policy here

Relevant links

List of relevant links here

To investors and analysts who follow Topdanmark  
Link to the discount curve and to the technical description of the new interest rate curve (In Danish)

Relevant Industry Links  

Insurance & Pension Denmark
Forsikringsoplysningen (In Danish)
Forsikringsguiden (In Danish)

Relevant links for Topdanmark's investment return

Danish Equities: Capped total index

Foreign Equities: MSCI World in local currency

Lower-rated credits:     
Bloomberg's information system – ITRXTX5I "Index"


Robin Løfgren
Head of Investor Relations
Shareholder Administration