Health for companies

We want to contribute to the physical and mental health for our customers, and we are constantly working to offer the best solutions.

We want to contribute to the physical and mental health for our customers, and we are constantly working to offer the best solutions.

Less sick leave

With our many efforts for customers, we play an active role in preventing and reducing absence due to sickness among the many business customers who have insurance with us. It contributes to healthy employees, a stable operation and to keeping absence due to sickness.

Topdanmark has a large number of small and medium-sized business customers who do not have an actual HR department that can initiate professional health initiatives for their employees. Here, our coordination of advice and efforts is a particularly great help. We also help our smaller business customers complete APV if they need it.

The business perspective

For Topdanmark, the many health initiatives also have a business perspective. The better we can help the employees of our business customers through a period of serious illness, the better it is for both the person in question, the business customer, for us as a company, and for society in general.

Our many preventive efforts also have the effect of reducing our claims costs, which in turn helps keep our prices down, which in turn provides the best conditions for the customer to stay with us.


86% of people who have been through Topdanmark Recovery and Work Rehabilitation with either an accident or work-related injury were reported as being back to work either full time or part time.

Reduction of early retirement expenses

When one of our customers experiences a serious injury - physically or mentally - we step in to ensure that the risk of losing part of - or all of the ability to work and thus the connection to the labour market is reduced. The more people who avoid being victims of illness, stress, anxiety or depression, the better it is both for the affected individuals and the companies they work for, but also for us as a company and for society in general.

When we work with health, we do so based on Sustainable Development Goal 3.4 By 2030, early mortality due to non-communicable diseases must be reduced by a third through prevention and treatment, and mental health and well-being must be promoted.


The more people who avoid being victims of illness, stress, anxiety or depression, the better it is both for the affected individuals and the companies they work for, but also for us as a company and for society in general.
Peter Hermann CEO


Marie-Louise Krogh Bisgaard
Head of Sustainability
mobile 30 65 53 76
Marie Uldall Thomsen
Sustainability Consultant