Well-being in everyday life

At Topdanmark, we focus on well-being in the everyday life of our employees. With our promise of a more enjoyable working day, a healthier working life, and a more courageous workplace, we focus on three aspects that help to create well-being for our employees in the workplace.

At Topdanmark, we focus on well-being in the everyday life of our employees. With our promise of a more enjoyable working day, a healthier working life, and a more courageous workplace, we focus on three aspects that help to create well-being for our employees in the workplace.

It is essential for us that our employees thrive, and we are happy to try out new options to ensure a high level of well-being. That is what makes us a more courageous workplace. But our employees’ well-being is also important to us as a business. We believe that a high employee well-being means that we can keep our employees for a longer period of time and at the same time attract new and qualified labour.

We look at well-being as both mental and physical well-being, and therefore we place great focus on both. This means, among other things, that we offer several health services to our employees, both in terms of physical and mental health.

Read more about our health services.

For several years, we have measured our well-being in Topdanmark. We conduct a well-being survey twice a year and after each survey the result is followed up with Team Talks, which is a way for the leaders to go in depth with the results of the well-being survey.
Read more about the well-being survey and see our latest results here.

When we work with well-being, we do so based on Sustainable Development Goal 3.4 By 2030, early mortality due to non-communicable diseases must be reduced by a third through prevention and treatment, and mental health and well-being must be promoted.


Marie-Louise Krogh Bisgaard
Head of Sustainability
mobile 30 65 53 76
Marie Uldall Thomsen
Sustainability Consultant