Bicycles for reuse

Socio-economic enterprises such as Buddha Bikes and Recycling reuse bicycles for the benefit of people and the environment.

Socio-economic enterprises such as Buddha Bikes and Recycling reuse bicycles for the benefit of people and the environment.

Bicycle blacksmiths with the heart in the right place

The companies Buddha Bikes and Recycling repair used bicycles and help young people on the edge of society, at the same time. Topdanmark collaborates with these socially conscious bike-enthusiasts and donates several bicycles to this cause every year.

Buddha Bikes is a certified socio-economic company that was established in 2015, and the same year Topdanmark started working with the bicycle business. At the workshop in Copenhagen, the employees repair old bicycles, and sell them in in the very same shop. Moreover, Buddha Bikes has a social purpose. Among other things, they collaborate with the Askov Foundation by enabling vulnerable young people to take charge of their own lives.

The same applies to Recykling, which is based in Aarhus. Being able to receive bicycles from Topdanmark eases the eternal hunt for used bicycles, which can be repaired and sold again.


In 2023, Topdanmark donated 149 bicycles.

A collaboration that benefits all parties

The collaboration is two-sided and benefits both parties. On the one hand, Topdanmark donates several bicycles annually to the two companies. These are bicycles that have been stolen but found again after Topdanmark has paid compensation to the owner. These bikes thus belong to Topdanmark.
However, the two companies are responsible for picking up the bicycles at the lost property offices and private addresses. The collaboration simply makes cyclists and society run better.


Marie-Louise Krogh Bisgaard
Head of Sustainability
mobile 30 65 53 76
Marie Uldall Thomsen
Sustainability Consultant